Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mother's Day!!

  I love that there is a day that we get to celebrate our mothers every year.....personally  I think we should spoil them more often for all that they do for us!! I am grateful for the beautiful and amazing women in our lives. Chet and I are truly luck to have women as strong as they are. We wouldn't be who we are with out their example, love and care they have show us.

For Mother's Day we went to hear Bryce speak in my home ward and then hung out with the family. We left my parents house so we could go to Grandma Olsen's house for a mother's day dinner with Chet's family. It was fun to see everyone and to just spend time with our moms :) I didn't think of taking any pictures of the whole day sorry!!! So I will  highlight the main women that mean a lot to me and Chet

1st-  My Grandma Ward
 There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about this amazing women. I miss her a lot and wish Chet was able to meet her. She was the hardest working lady and went through a lot in her life. She was always willing to serve and loved working in the temple. Even when she had cancer and was in so much pain she always had a smile on her face. Thanks for all you taught me grandma I love you and miss you!

2nd- My Mom, Mother T
 My mom is a super mom she is always on the go..... I really don't know how she does everything she does in the day. She is never thinking about herself it's always what her kids or grand kids need first. She has always been there for me and helped me out a lot!! I look up to my mom so much and hope that one day I can be half as good as she is :) Thanks mom your the best... We love you!

3rd- My sisters
I am very blessed to have 3 sisters that are my closest friends.... Growing up we had the best time, yes we fought but I love looking back on all the great memories we had together. I can go to them with anything and they will always be there.They know how to cheer me up and the 3 people I can totally be honest to and they will still love me.They are the best moms and I am lucky that they have made me an aunt to the cutest 3(4 soon) little nieces and nephew. Thanks Cambria, Katie, and Alyse for everything you guys do.... We love you!!

4th-  My Grandma Ellis
 My grandma Ellis is the sweetest, quite and loving women you will ever meet. She has gone through some hard things in her life but she keep moving a long. She is always serving those she can and her faith is so strong. I look up to her and has brought a lot of laughs into my life. I love sitting down and playing games with her and the time I get to be with her. Thanks Grandma you are the best! We love you!!

5th- Tammie
 I have got to say I have the best mother in law ever!!! I am so glad that I have such a great relationship with her. Since the day I met her she has always been so welcoming and opened her home to me. I love getting to spend time with her, no matter what we do. She is one great mom and I am so glad she raised such a great man who has made me the happiest! She is a hard worker and is always looking out for me and Chet. Thanks Tammie for all you do.... We love you!!!

6th- Grandma Haddie (the one in the orange jacket)
Grandma Haddie is the sweetest lady and is so welcoming. I love the times we get to see her and just to visit with her. She is a strong lady and is a great grandma. She is always serving others and always looks out for everyone. She had been a through a lot and has overcome a lot. I am grateful for her faith and the smile she continues to have on. Your the best Haddie...... We love you!!!

7th- Grandma Olsen (the one in the purple)
 Marie is the happiest grandma's I know..... I love that she lives so close and we get to play cards with her when we can. She is always looking out for her family and loves the gospel. She is always giving us names to do in the temple and I appreciate that!! She willing to serve and takes her calling very serious. She has always makes me feel so welcomed and loved! Thanks Marie for everything you do for us... We  love you!!

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